Fiji Turtles Art in earth tones by Sigavou Studios. Shop online at My Fiji Store


手工/工匠Sigavou Studios
艺术家Maria Rova
Hand-painted on Masi (inner bark of the paper mulberry tree)
ColourEarth tones
尺寸The masi measures approx. 21.5cm wide by 13cm tall (landscape). It is mounted on A4 black card
版权Images and text © Maria Rova




Similar to the Three Turtles Art in green/gold/purple tones, this painting is in earth tones.

Fijian ‘masi’, also called barkcloth, is produced by village women on islands such as Vatulele. A renewable resource, masi is made by harvesting strips of bark from specially grown paper-mulberry trees. Each piece takes days to process, involving repeated pounding, soaking and stretching. These traditional skills are passed on from generation to generation, with certain clans being considered the experts in masi-making. The uneven quality of the masi reflects its handmade origin.


Maria Rova lives in Nadi, Fiji. Her artwork is inspired by the wildlife, culture, and scenery of the Pacific, especially that of the remote island of Taveuni to the north of the Fiji group, which is home to her husband’s traditional clan. Sustained by forest and reef, Taveuni villagers still follow many of the ancient cultural practices that give Fijian people their unique identity. The artist wishes to acknowledge gratefully the impact that her Fijian family has had on her work. 




手工/工匠Sigavou Studios
艺术家Maria Rova
Hand-painted on Masi (inner bark of the paper mulberry tree)
ColourEarth tones
尺寸The masi measures approx. 21.5cm wide by 13cm tall (landscape). It is mounted on A4 black card
版权Images and text © Maria Rova

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