
Tui's Gang Crafter简介
Tui's Gang是一个迷人和充满活力的斐济儿童品牌。 它通过由着名的艺术家Penelope Casey的彩色插图创造有吸引力和创造性的产品。
Tui's Gang旨在通过分享典型的斐济童年的颜色,单词,景点和声音,不仅在斐济,而且在全球为儿童开发学习。 我们的目标是被广泛认可,并在国际多元文化儿童书籍和资源类型的前沿。
这些与这样的各种各样的人在她的婴儿期,童年和年轻成年期间的密切联系,启发了这个艺术家的形成年代,并灌输她最初的爱的肖像。 Penelope对巴布亚新几内亚高地勇士的仪式服装的研究捕获了一个激烈的部落种族的强度和多样性,努力调和文化传统与现代世界的现实和速度...
... Penelope在二十年代初搬到斐济群岛“软化” 她的风格,因为她受到宁静和简单的生活方式以及岛民的气质的极大影响:她的新环境渗透和理想化的斐济竞争的日常存在。
正是由于斐济的这种欣赏和她对太平洋群岛生活的热爱,Penelope创造了Tui's Gang Children的书,展现了岛屿生活的美好生活方式和节奏。 通过她的画册,Penelope使用插图来与你的孩子连接,并捕获他们与惊险和美丽的生活在斐济的故事。
使用丙烯酸,笔墨Penelope的艺术品已经广泛展出与收藏展示在澳大利亚,斐济,巴布亚新几内亚,英国,美国大陆,夏威夷,香港,新西兰和新加坡,并接受了皇家艺术学会的奖学金 。 使用许多纹理,以及大胆的颜色,强调她的艺术的视觉力量。
这是Penelope的希望,这些书将在斐济学校广泛提供作为一个有趣的,教育资源。 她创造了图画书和闪光卡,教孩子如何计数和学习颜色,英语和斐济语。
Penelope的儿童书真的是令人惊叹。 在myFijiStore,我们总是在寻找美妙的斐济礼物。 当我们打开“我的海洋家斐济”的第一页时,我们被吸引到了Tui和他的水下朋友的神奇故事 - 从字面上无法把书放下! 插图只是令人叹为观止 - 他们把你带到充满活力的颜色和岛屿生活的另一个世界,让你感觉就像你在斐济的这里。
不仅有故事书,还有一本精彩的着色书 - “Tui's Gang Coloring Book”。 我们加入Tui和他的朋友进行另一次冒险,精彩地告诉文本和插图跨越43页。 在后面,有活动,如填字游戏,连接点,水果沙拉配方和更多 - 可爱的额外,加强整个书的图像和单词,以帮助您的孩子学习。
有了英语和斐济语,这是您的孩子了解斐济岛屿生活和文化的完美方式。 这些书是吸引所有的孩子,因为斐济是一个令人窒息和充满活力的地方,地球上最友好的人的家。
每个人,我们已经展示了这本书,绝对喜欢他们 - 即使成年人不能帮助,但粘在每一页,想看到美丽的插图和下一步在故事发生。 每本书真的是一件艺术品,我们很高兴与Penelope和Tui的帮派团队合作,把这些漂亮的书带给你。

Products from Supplier

Bula Fiji Colouring Book is the newest Tui's Gang Children's Book. It features a pull-out A3 colour poster of the illustration on the front cover.
Beautifully illustrated by Penelope Casey, this Fiji Children's book is a treasure that tells the story of Tui and his friends and their lives in the beautiful Fiji islands. Children can learn about Tui's adventures and colour in every page.
Tui and his friends Tia and Joe explore their island home, the story starts on the beach where they meet Api the parrot. The children explore their surroundings, admiring the frangipani and meeting a butterfly, Iguana, frog and crab along the way. They climb trees, swim in a pond, play Rakavi (Rugby) and even go on a Bamboo raft down the river! At the end of the day they eat delicious fruits whilst watching the sunset. Along their adventure they make lots of friends whilst appreciating the natural beauty of their surroundings.
Each scene in the book is beautifully illustrated with the names of the animals in English and Fijian. There are 24 pages to be coloured in plus the pull-out colour poster.
"In the Pacific Ocean, lies the islands of Fiji. Blue skies, ocean breeze and warm sunshine. We swim, we laugh, we run and play. Come with us and explore. We want to show you our beautiful island home, Fiji."
About Tui's Gang
Tui's Gang is a captivating and vibrant Fijian children’s brand that creates engaging and creative products through the colourful illustrations by acclaimed artist Penelope Casey.
Launching successfully with an initial focus on children’s picture books, Tui's Gang plans to continue creating picture books, along with educational resources such as flash cards and in the future other merchandise.
Tui's Gang aims to develop learning for children not only in Fiji but globally, by sharing the colours, words, sights and sounds from typically Fijian childhoods.
We aim to be well recognised and at the forefront of the Multicultural children’s books and resources genre internationally.

获奖的艺术家Penelope Casey的惊人的艺术品完全捕捉了斐济的奇迹和活力。
这是一个真正特别的儿童书,将吸引所有读它的人 - 成人和儿童!
Tui的帮派 是一个迷人和充满活力的斐济儿童品牌,通过由着名的艺术家Penelope凯西彩色插图创造有吸引力和创造性的产品。
成功推出的初衷是儿童图画书, Tui的帮派 计划继续创造图画书,以及教育资源,如闪存卡和未来的其他商品。
Tui的帮派 旨在通过分享典型的斐济童年的颜色,单词,景点和声音,不仅在斐济,而且在全球为儿童开发学习。
我们的目标是被广泛认可,并在国际多元文化儿童图书和资源类型的前沿。 我们的目标是稳定增长和持续的盈利能力,同时仍然保持我们童心的乐趣感支持品牌。

这本书开始于太阳在Tui击败一个斐济鼓(拉利),以唤醒每个人。 Tui沿着海滩散步,玩一个Davui壳,并呼吁他的朋友来见他。
着色书的43页充满了许多创造性和美好的生活场景在斐济,因为Tui去他的一天。 这本书展示了美丽的动物,花卉和自然风光,以及斐济文化的温暖和好客。
甚至有一个简单的食谱你的孩子跟随,以及拼图如连接点和一个填字游戏。 所有编织在一起的美丽的图片在每一页等待着色。
Penelope Casey巧妙地在书中创造了一个有趣和有教育意义的着色,使用美丽的艺术品与你的孩子联系,带他们参加他们自己的斐济冒险。
Tui的帮派 是一个迷人和充满活力的斐济儿童品牌,通过由着名的艺术家Penelope凯西彩色插图创造有吸引力和创造性的产品。
成功推出的初衷是儿童图画书, Tui的帮派 计划继续创造图画书,以及教育资源,如闪存卡和未来的其他商品。
Tui的帮派 旨在通过分享典型的斐济童年的颜色,单词,景点和声音,不仅在斐济,而且在全球为儿童开发学习。
我们的目标是被广泛认可,并在国际多元文化儿童图书和资源类型的前沿。 我们的目标是稳定增长和持续的盈利能力,同时仍然保持我们童心的乐趣感支持品牌。

Dua means One is a beautiful children's book that introduces your child to numbers as experienced by Tui and his friends on their adventures around Fiji.
Stunning illustrations by award-winning Artist Penelope Casey perfectly capture the wonder and vibrancy of Fiji.
This is a truly special children's book that will captivate all who read it - adults and children!
About Tui's Gang
Tui's Gang is a captivating and vibrant Fijian children’s brand that creates engaging and creative products through the colourful illustrations by acclaimed artist Penelope Casey.
Launching successfully with an initial focus on children’s picture books, Tui's Gang plans to continue creating picture books, along with educational resources such as flash cards and in the future other merchandise.
Tui's Gang aims to develop learning for children not only in Fiji but globally, by sharing the colours, words, sights and sounds from typically Fijian childhoods.
We aim to be well recognised and at the forefront of the Multicultural children’s books and resources genre internationally. Our goal is steady growth and consistent profitability, while still maintaining our childlike sense of fun underpinning the brand.

Colours of Fiji is a beautiful children's book that introduces your child to colours as experienced by Tui and his friends on their adventures around Fiji.
Stunning illustrations by award-winning Artist Penelope Casey perfectly capture the wonder and vibrancy of Fiji. The inside back-cover features a summary of the colours introduced in the book, for an easy recap of the colours.
This is a truly special children's book that will captivate all who read it - adults and children!
About Tui's Gang
Tui's Gang is a captivating and vibrant Fijian children’s brand that creates engaging and creative products through the colourful illustrations by acclaimed artist Penelope Casey.
Launching successfully with an initial focus on children’s picture books, Tui's Gang plans to continue creating picture books, along with educational resources such as flash cards and in the future other merchandise.
Tui's Gang aims to develop learning for children not only in Fiji but globally, by sharing the colours, words, sights and sounds from typically Fijian childhoods.
We aim to be well recognised and at the forefront of the Multicultural children’s books and resources genre internationally. Our goal is steady growth and consistent profitability, while still maintaining our childlike sense of fun underpinning the brand.
关于:Penelope Casey
Penelope是一位获奖的艺术家,她是伦敦皇家艺术学会的会员,并被皇家联邦协会授予“斐济年度艺术家”,仅举几例。 出生在巴布亚新几内亚,佩内洛普沉浸在充满活力的颜色和岛屿生活的声音,对她的艺术有重大影响。