Fiji Children's Books by Sharon Light

The Mangrove People Illustrated Children's Book
Fiji Children's book, written and illustrated by Sharon Light. The 5th book in the series. The Mangrove people must find a new home as humans are destroying their mangrove forests. An adventure but dangerous journey for these little mangrove creatures.
Many people think of the mangrove as a swampy, smelly place but it is very important and lots of creatures live there.
Crabs, fish, prawns and shellfish shelter in the roots and various birds, insects and orchids dwell in the upper branches.
It is in the mangrove that baby fish live protected by the roots until they become adults and are able to swim out into the big sea.
This is a story of one little group of mangrove dwellers.
About Sharon Light
Sharon has spent the last 15 years painting apparel, since mid 2003 she has concentrated on paintings. Keen on fishing and diving, currently holding the World Record (women) for great barracuda. Sharon Light is a descendant of a settler family that arrived in Fiji in 1869 to grow cotton in Ra.

Taku and the Plastic Bag Children's Book
This lovely Fiji Children's Book is written and illustrated by Sharon Light. The second of the Fiji Reef People stories tells the tale of Taku the turtle. He has a very dangerous encounter with a plastic bag. Can his many fishy friends save this friendly little turtle?
About Sharon Light
Sharon has spent the last 15 years painting apparel, since mid 2003 she has concentrated on paintings. Keen on fishing and diving, currently holding the World Record (women) for great barracuda. Sharon Light is a descendant of a settler family that arrived in Fiji in 1869 to grow cotton in Ra.

The Reef People and the Fiji Roosters Children's Book
When Sand Crab's underwater disco is threatened by a bunch of big, bully, scratchy roosters, Clam Filter decides that something has to be done! But how can a bunch of small reef creatures stand up to nasty, old roosters that don't even belong on the reef.
This lovely Fiji Children's Book is written and illustrated by Sharon Light.
About Sharon Light
Sharon has spent the last 15 years painting apparel, since mid 2003 she has concentrated on paintings. Keen on fishing and diving, currently holding the World Record (women) for great barracuda. Sharon Light is a descendant of a settler family that arrived in Fiji in 1869 to grow cotton in Ra.

Lairo Island Children's Book
A small Fijian village is invaded by hundreds of land crabs. How will the village rid these pesky crabs before they destroy the whole island?
This lovely Fiji Children's Book is written and illustrated by Sharon Light.
About Sharon Light
Sharon has spent the last 15 years painting apparel, since mid 2003 she has concentrated on paintings. Keen on fishing and diving, currently holding the World Record (women) for great barracuda. Sharon Light is a descendant of a settler family that arrived in Fiji in 1869 to grow cotton in Ra.

The Forest People and the Yellow Monsters Children's Book
The Forest People have been invaded by huge yellow monsters. The monsters are eating up all the trees and plants. Will they ever be able to save their forest home?
This lovely Fiji Children's Book is written and illustrated by Sharon Light.
About Sharon Light
Sharon has spent the last 15 years painting apparel, since mid 2003 she has concentrated on paintings. Keen on fishing and diving, currently holding the World Record (women) for great barracuda. Sharon Light is a descendant of a settler family that arrived in Fiji in 1869 to grow cotton in Ra.